Making invisible life visible.
I create a visual language through graphical poetry.
Communicating our emotional states of being is often hard, which makes life even more difficult.
In my experience, however, using graphical poems as an anchor makes it easier. People can point to a graphical poem and say, "That's just how I feel!"
Our emotional states represent the invisible dimension of life, where it's easy to be misunderstood. There is often too much going on beneath the surface for us to make sense of it.
As Graphical Poet, it's my mission to give people the experience of being able to express themselves emotionally without having the words for it.
My art serves as a helping hand for being clear about how you feel – and thereby true to yourself. It changes you on a deeper level, and as a result, you change people around you. All of a sudden, it becomes easier for them to relate to your state of being and support you in the best possible way.
I know for a fact that it works. I have lived it.
In 2002, I was involved in a terrible car accident, which caused me a double whiplash and a life with invisible pain. I had days with so much pain I couldn't express it. Words in themselves were too linear, while my pain was non-linear.
Creating graphical poetry became my savior. I started creating images about what my pain looked like, and simultaneously wrote poems about how I felt. Over time, they merged into one artistic expression and transformed me into Graphical Poet.
It made me more connected with my inner being, but most of all, free to be true to myself. Invisible pain is forever part of me, I cannot change that, but I can change the way I see myself, and I choose to be Graphical Poet instead of a pain patient.
It requires a lot of acceptance, determination, and will power to find a new way when living with invisible pain. It’s not easy, but with graphical poetry it does become easier.
Oh, and in case you are wondering, "why now?" my simple response would be, "why not?"
Art book
From Pain To Poetry
My art book with graphical poems documenting my journey of living with invisible pain, and how it transformed me into Graphical Poet. Signed with a personal dedication.
DKK 500,- kr. (incl. VAT)
Hardcover. 311 pages. 950 gram.
Worldwide delivery. Free shipping in Denmark.
I believe NFT is the spearhead of the greatest artistic rennaisance since the Rennaisance. For me it's a fantastic playground.
Made with love and optimism.
Based on Ether and Tezos.
I'm happy to do a talk or participate in debates about invisible pain and mental health. Please get in touch, and let's discuss the options.